Pr Andy : He preached so awesomely until I forgot his message and laughed during his message most of the time. But his message was just so awesome. He talked about "The Power of Perception", Perspective, Prayer and Praise, Puny"
Pr Dave : He was just so awesome. He preached something very relevant which is about FAMILY! Hebrew 2:11.. Read it and meditate over it! It helps a lot
Pr Alex : He did a good job! He was pretty funny tho. Really he is just so funny! So this is his message "It's alright not to be alright at times" It means that it is alright for you to be radical at all time! C'mon people. It's time to be radical for God!
Pr Sam : He is just an awesome man of God! When he preached, you can just feel the revival! He talked about "Reaffirm you call" "Reposition your ministry" "Refocus your vision" Go and read "Luke 24: 36-39! It will helps you a lot :)
Pr Kenneth : He is just so ANOINTED! His message really and truly blessed so many people. The altar was packed with people. He talked about being a WORLD CHANGER! "Your fruits determine your future" "Remember that God has already said that it is going to happen"
F- False
E- Evidence
A- Appear
R- Real
So people, what are you waiting for, sign up for RE:Union 2011! And I can guarantee you, it will be awesome ;)
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