Tuesday, December 9, 2008

WHY is my life like this? WHY is it so unfair?
WHY are other people's life better than mine?


Well its a thing everyone face.

Its because we often see what is bad rather
than what is good.

Well I was always complaining bout my life..
About me being the oldest son and my mum often said
"Kenny do this do this and that" and when I questioned
them,they'll say cause I'm the oldest guy here.

Also,complained about me not being allowed to go to
church on Sundays, about me not being born in a
christian family,about me not having Brat Pitt's looks
(Don't deny it people,i know you did felt this way
before!),about me not being that smart,about not
being rich,about the probs i have, about my attitude
prob,about me being fat =.=.....

So it went on.Until yesterday..

When i heard about this person "A" who is a christian
whoisnt born in a christian family,getting beaten by
dad,cant go to church!So miserable till "A" cant take
it anymore and stop going to school for awhile.

Then i thought of those who were diagnosed with
incurable sickness

But there was a particular girl though she passed away
quite a while ago
..she impacted my life!They made
a movie based on her diary.

The story's name: One Litre of Tears

This drama is about a girl who was diagnosed with a
disease called Spinocerebellar Atrophy, in which the
nerve cells of areas necessary for the human body to
move and balance–including the cerebellum,brain stem,
and spinal cord–transform and eventually disappear.

When she was 15 years old, and was able to continue
her life until her death at the age of 25 years old.

The plot is based on the true story of a Japanese girl
named Kito Aya,who had the same disease. She kept
writing in her diary to remember her experiences until
she could no longer hold a pen.

Aya simply wished to live until the end of her life, and
the purpose of writing in the diary was to remind herself,
not to give up!

She shed tears many times, at the same time
encompassed by the rich love and support from her
family, friends,and boyfriend.

Her diary “1 Litre of Tears” was published after her
death,because of its inspiring and courageous message of,

“Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing.”

Ikeuchi Aya (Sawajiri Erika), a 15 year old girl, is the
daughter in a normal Japanese family. She lives
with her
reliable mother, Shioka, who works as a
nutritionist,her father,
Mizuo, the wacky owner of a
tofu shop, her quiet younger brother,
Hiroki, and two
younger sisters, the sarcastic Ako and innocent Rika.

On the day of her high school entrance exam, she left
the house
full of energy, but she missed her stop to get
off the bus and
walk to her high school because she fell
asleep.She quickly got
off and ran from the bus in the
rain when she discovered she was late.

She slipped, fell down and injured her knee.At that
time,she met
Haruto Aso, who was trying to skip the
exam.He gave her a ride t
o school, the administrators
allowed them to take the exam (despite
the fact that
Haruto was uninterested in taking it),which they
both later passed.

The new semester began, Aya and Haruto were in
the same class,
and both were elected as the
representative of their class. Aya also
joined the
basketball team, and was reunited with the boy who
was fond of from the male basketball team.

Just as she was beginning to enjoy her high school days,
Aya starts
to experience some physical difficulties. She
always dropped
food from her chopsticks, could not
estimate the distance of the
objects in front of her,
could not pour water into a cup without
spilling it,
and occasionally wobbled while walking!

Her mother, Shioka, who was the only one to notice
the physical
changes in Aya, started to worry about
what was going on.

One day, Aya’s life started to change after she tripped
and fell.
She couldn’t protect herself with her hands
while falling and
she hurt her face. After this, her
illness slowly revealed and her tragedy begins…


My first reaction was to google what is this SCA all about.

Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is one of a group of
genetic disorders characterized by slowly progressive
incoordination of gait and often associated with poor
coordination of hands,speech,and eye movements.

Frequently, atrophy of the cerebellum occurs.As
with other forms of ataxia, SCA results in unsteady and
clumsy motion of the bodydue to a failure of the fine
coordination of muscle movements, along with other
symptoms.There is no known cure for spinocerebellar
ataxia,which is a progressive disease (it gets worse with
time),although not all types cause equally severe disability.

Treatments are generally limited to softening symptoms,
not the disease itself. The condition can be irreversible.
A person with this disease will usually end up needing to
use a wheelchair, and eventually they may need assistance
to perform daily tasks.

Kito Ayo. At the peak of a teens life at a age of only
15 yrs old,she was told of her incurable disease.

Meaning death call is awaiting and welcoming?
Soon, she was couldn’t run about without falling clumsily,
couldn’t walk properly as her legs weaken day by day,
and eventually lost her mobility to a wheelchair.

She lost her school, and friends who eventually got tired
of looking after her and her future. Each day, she woke
up in fear, and progressively losing the things she
owned and herself.

'Why me?' and 'Whats my purpose in life?'

Were the two questions that hunted her everyday?
Nevertheless,with the love and support from her family,
she fights to live on and she found her purpose to write
about her life and did not stop even she was bed-ridden.

Finally, she did when she lost her arms mobility
and eventually her speech movements.

(Taken from a site*)

So WHAT can we say?
Aren't we just SO BLESSED?

Think bout it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hey ppl Send us an email at cfsmkusj13@hotmail.com if you have any

  1. Questions
  2. Prayer Request
  3. Suggestions
  4. Events
  5. If u need help
  6. Well just email us we can help u in anythin

Just for general info admin's for this site are

  1. Admin Kenny Ng
  2. Admin Ian Quek
  3. Admin Michelle Fong


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Growing up during the golden age of comic books, I was a big fan of classic heroes such as Superman and Batman. Superman was practically invincible, with super strength, invulnerability, and heat vision (thus classified as a super hero), typically winning any conflict decisively. Batman dealt with challenges using ingenuity, high-tech gadgets, superb physical conditioning, and no super powers (thus classified as an action hero).
I found that over time I accumulated more Batman comic books than Superman books. Batman seemed more intriguing than other super heroes. Batman would endure a lot of pain and loss while triumphing over the bad guys he encountered. During the years, I witnessed Batman’s back getting broken and the first Robin (his sidekick) dying. It was no easy road being the Batman. Conversely, Superman hardly ever got into life-threatening situations and was typically able to extract himself from any fierce cosmic battle using his superior powers and never needing an adhesive bandage afterwards.
Which character you most identify with often shows what kind of Christian experience you have had. I have noticed that some Christians suffer financial hardship, lose homes, businesses, jobs, cars, and close family members but still keep marching on in faith waiting for the tide to turn, like Batman did.
Other Christians are more fortunate. Not too many years ago, I was working in part-time youth ministry and losing all of my material possessions such as my vehicles and house due to the loss of my full-time job. On top of that situation, the birth of my twin sons and the death of a family member were equally imminent. A Christian neighbor walked up to me and told me that he had lost his job unexpectedly but had a better paying position offered to him within hours. “Isn’t God great!” he exclaimed.
Yes God is, but at that moment I felt as though I was God’s stepchild and my neighbor was the real thing. These Superman Christians may lose their jobs but get an even better one within a week, lose a car but someone gives them a new one. They rarely seem bummed out by anything because they are so blessed.
Is Superman more spiritual than Batman or vice versa? No! Does God bring a diversity of experiences to people because of what kinds of Christians God wants to make us? Absolutely! Christ even did so with his apostles.
Most of Jesus’ apostles died as martyrs for the faith after lives of sacrifice and suffering to spread the gospel. This hardship happened to them not because they were God’s stepchildren and got second-class (or Batman) treatment but because their suffering was the best way they could glorify Jesus and perfect their characters. Peter and Paul were greatly blessed by God. Paul even sang about it in prison. They apparently did not drive around in SUV-style chariots or make high-dollar sandal endorsements, but those status symbols were not a measure of their faith.
The Apostle John might be considered more of a Superman-type Christian. He did not have to die a martyr’s death even though the Romans tried to give him one. According to Church tradition, the Romans boiled him in oil but the torture had no effect on this Superman; so they had to give up and exile him to the Isle of Patmos. Was John less spiritual than Peter or Paul? No. Just given different experiences by God for his perfection in the faith.
We may suffer doing youth ministry, enduring things such as low pay, marginal respect, lack of resources, parental apathy, and youth indifference. But when we do, we can take comfort in knowing that our suffering may happen not because we are not capable of success but because some of us are simply Batman Christians. And that’s OK

# 3

Greetings from SMK USJ 13's Christian Fellowship!

This year might have been an AWESOME year but

next year would be EVEN GREATER!

(& ALL God's people say?AMEN!)

Let us not just stop where we are now BUT
continue to bring our relationship with God
to a greater heights!

'Cause,life is never the same
when you accept JESUS CHRIST as your Saviour!

(I know mine was NEVER the same:)

  • Uphold every cf member in your prayer
  • Pray for thirst and fire to keep on
    growing in our lives!

Do you?

Monday, November 24, 2008

hey ppl this is cf smkusj13's new blog drop ur link in the tagboard if u wanna get linked!!!

and of course link US!!

email us for any questions! at cfsmkusj13@hotmail.com